Saturday, August 11, 2012

Spinning stories

I'm really feeling perplexed about where to start over with my writing, as I've said before, and I think one of the frustrating things is that in real life, I'm not a bad storyteller, though I say it myself. I love telling stories of any kind, especially the weird/ odd/ dumb stuff that happens to me or that I do to myself- there's an endless source of punchlines- or about family moments.

I guess you could say I really love observational humour. I like it in standup comedy, I like reading it in novels, I like it when others share it- especially when catching up with friends far away who have stockpiled stories to tell since the last phone call. I try to jot down the outlines to jog my memory when my friend Pin, who is insatiable, says, "Tell me STORIES!". At first I can't think of any, but if I have written them down or when my husband says something to remind me, they come pouring out. My life is pretty low-key, especially the last 4 months of being home with the baby, and yet I often experience wonderfully goofy moments that affirm my belief that God has a sense of humour. We are made in His image, and so we were made with funny bones, and the ability to notice things to enjoy!

So I think I need to find a way to either use observation to fill my narrative more between the humourous moments, or expand those moments and their significance. I also need to work on plot, period. My mother used to say when I shared pieces of stories that never seemed to progress, "Where is this going?"

I'll share a couple of quick examples before I end this post- they're not recent but they give you an idea of the kind of thing that cracks me up, especially when I'm the one that says something loopy.

Me: "Are you sure you want to go to the drive-in theatre tonight? It might rain."

Mr. Monday (MM): "........we'll be watching from our car."
 MM, at a winery tasting: "Well, I haven't finished testing your wine, but I tell ya, I love these chips!"
At a hotel, I realize I left my tweezers at home, so in a rash moment of frustration with a very visible stray hair under my brow, I decide to try improvisation.
Five minutes later, MM is electrified to hear the bathroom door open and my announcement, "
"You might think this sounds strange, but I cut my eyebrow while shaving with your razor!"

I have many more but they will have to wait- MM and I have a Super Mario Bros. date while the baby is sleeping!

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