Monday, August 13, 2012

Blots in my copybook

I think I might be a bit of a perfectionist.

Not in everything- though we all have discomfort zones- but I zero in on certain areas of life, like cooking and crafting, and in formal writing (because I really won't go to bail for the contents of my emails!). I self-edit a lot. I obsess over the perfect balance of flavours. I am rarely satisfied with a dish, a scrapbook, or a poem because I generally feel I could have done just a bit better.

No doubt this is a hindrance in some ways to my writing. In my time as a technical writer, I had to learn when to let go of a report, especially since final approval and final edits came from colleagues and thus were outside the scope of my proper work. It's usually harder when the piece is personal, creative, original, or poetic.

How does one combat specific perfectionism? Should I try to care more about the areas I'm not obsessive about, or should I try to be more relaxed and open to sharing items that I consider less than perfect?

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